Amy Nagle

PhD earned in 2024.


Amy Nagle

I earned my baccalaureate nursing degree (BSN) from Ball State University in 2000.  I worked as an in-patient hospital staff nurse in cardiac progressive care and oncology.  I became interested in nursing education and completed my master’s in nursing education from Ball State University in 2006.  After working as a staff nurse in a hospital emergency department, in 2007, I accepted a full-time position at Ivy Tech Community College, teaching medical surgical nursing.  In 2013, I accepted a full-time faculty position teaching at Purdue University West Lafayette School of Nursing.  I am currently a clinical assistant professor and simulation coordinator for the School of Nursing, teaching medical-surgical nursing, and transition to nursing practice.

Research Interests

I am interested in innovative education methods for nursing, specifically simulation-based learning as a teaching method.  I am currently enrolled as a part-time student.  My primary mentor is Associate Professor of Nursing and Ph.D. Program Director Karen Foli.

Why Purdue?

Purdue School of Nursing provides me with the resources and expert faculty to guide me on my journal to develop as a nurse researcher.  I appreciate the flexibility of the transdisciplinary model of this program to meet my needs and develop my skills to pursue my research interest successfully.

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